Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dems Lie about Scott Walker and Public Safety

The Democrats attacked Scott Walker today with a press release riddled with falsehoods, "Inmates Released, Public Safety Plans Cut: 'Patchwork' Walker’s Latest Hypocrisy Exposed by Political Ally."

Fact check time:

---The budget Scott Walker presented for 2010 DID NOT include furlough days for Sheriff's deputies.

---An amendment passed by the members of the County Board applied floating furlough days to everyone and it could not be line-item vetoed. The County Board are the ones that put this into Scott Walker's budget.

---Now, the Sheriff has a series of actions he wants to take as an alternative to furlough days for deputies. Walker supports an alternative and has been working with his office for past few weeks.

---Scott Walker WILL NOT and DOES NOT support the early release of inmates as part of an alternative plan. In fact, he would veto such a plan if approved by the County Board.

---Instead, Walker will continue to work with the Sheriff's office to avoid the release of inmates - as well as furlough days.

1 comment:

capper said...

A few corrections are needed here:

Walker did propose releasing inmates in his 2009 budget. Clarke resisted it, and the Board shot it down. And the number Walker wanted to release was three to four times the number Clarke is proposing.

While it is true that Walker did not include the deputies being furloughed in his original proposal, he did allow it to stand in his vetoes, so he is approving of it.

Neither the Board nor Walker have a say in it, since Clarke is an elected official. So that whole veto comment is just plain silly.

This is a fine example of Walker's ineptitude and why he is not fit to be county exec, much less governor.

Thanks for the fun.