Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jimmy Fallon: Next 'Tonight Show' Host?

Now that Jay Leno is back as host of The Tonight Show, the question is: Who will be his successor?

On Thursday, Jimmy Fallon addressed any speculation that it would be him.

JIMMY FALLON: I guess it was officially announced today that Conan O'Brien is leaving NBC, and I'm sad for him. But I'm also really happy for him. I know he'll do great in whatever he does, or wherever he goes. He's a really, really funny guy. And if you want to see his last Tonight Show, it's tomorrow night at 11:30. He has Tom Hanks, Will Ferrell, and Neil Young on. I think everyone should watch it. I'll be watching. It's what NBC used to call 'Must See TV.'

You know, there have been three hosts of Late Night. There's been David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, and me. And if there's one thing I've learned from Dave and Conan, it's that hosting this show is a one-way ticket to not hosting The Tonight Show. If you ever want to not host The Tonight Show, you should host Late Night.

Well, it's a good thing I like it here. We'll be here as long as you guys want me here.

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