Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Joe Biden and 'Avatar' (Video)

Joe Biden was talking movies today on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell.

Video, at Jezebel and Breitbart.


ANDREA MITCHELL: I know you've got to go, but uh, you've been a very busy man. Do you and Mrs. Biden ever get to the movies? Academy Award picks -- Any favorites among the Oscar nominees?

JOE BIDEN: Yeah, a-a-as a matter of fact, we do. Um, and uh, um, I, I think the uh, one of the odds-on favorites, Jill didn't go with me, but is, um, is, uh, this uh, this, this, this new program that I looked at it and wished I were seeing it in 3-D. And you sit there and you watch this science fiction thing unfold in front of you. I think...


BIDEN: Avatar. The, the, the magic of it is, is kind of overwhelming. Uh, there are others, there are some other real good ones out there. But I predict Avatar will win.

MITCHELL: All right. We'll hold you to that.

Avatar - that "new program," "this science fiction thing."

Oh, Joe. I love ya, champ.


James Herbst said...

you missed a few ugh and ums in there.
so how are things in wisconnie?

Is the blue babe turning red yet?

Mary said...

I caught dear Biden's clear "uhs" and "ums." Of course, there also was the mumbling, those adorable unintelligible grunts.

Things are lovely in Wisconsin. The blue is fading.