Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Keith Olbermann: Tea Parties, Black Faces, and MSNBC

This is such a delicious Keith Olbermann video.

Video, from The Activity Pit.


KEITH OLBERMANN: But let me ask all of you who attend these things: How many black faces do you see at these events? How many Hispanics, Asians, gays? Where are these people? Surely, there must be blacks who think they’re being bled by taxation. Surely there must be Hispanics who think the government should have let the auto industry fail. Surely there must be people of all colors and creeds who believe in cultural literacy tests and speaking English. Where are they? Where are they?

Do you suppose they agree with you that they’ve just chosen to attend their own separate meetings, that they’re not at your Tea Party because they have a Tea Party of their own to go to? Are you thinking like my father did about Satchell Paige and the Black Yankees tht they want this? My father had an excuse for that: He was 12 years old; it was 1941.

...The Civil War was not followed by desegregation, but by Jim Crow and the Klan. The Civil Rights legislation of the 60s was not followed by peace, but by George Wallace and anti-busing overt racism.

...If you believe there is merit to your political argument, fine. But ask yourself, when you next go to a Tea Party rally, or watch one on television or listen to a politician or a commentator praise these things or merely treat them as if it was just a coincidence that they are virtually segregated. Ask yourself: Where are the black faces? Who am I marching with? What are we afraid of? And if it really is only a President’s policy and not his skin, ask yourself one final question: Why are you surrounded by the largest crowd you will ever again see in your life that consists of nothing but people who look exactly like you? Good night and good luck.

Hey! Keith! Let me ask you, and let me ask the very, very few who watch MSNBC: How many black faces do you see on that low-rated cable "news" network?

Where are the black faces?

You should ask yourself: What are we at MSNBC afraid of?

"NBC -- More Colorful."

Not really. On MSNBC, not at all.

I am so sick of Olbermann's pontificating. I can't stand the way he and his colleagues at MSNBC, like the insufferable Chris Matthews, are constantly charging people opposed to Obama's radical agenda with racism. They just won't admit that Americans are rejecting the extremism of Obama's policies. His skin color is NOT the issue.

Olbermann argues that the Tea Party events are racist because there aren't any black faces in attendance. First, people of all races go to the rallies. Naturally, Olbermann has his facts wrong, but the truth is irrelevant to ideologues like Olbermann.

Second, is Olbermann willing to apply the same standards about the racial make-up of the Tea Parties to his own MSNBC? Is he willing to draw the same conclusions?

I don't see any black faces.

FACT: MSNBC has NO black hosts.

So is MSNBC inherently racist? It sure looks that way. It's a segregated network. That makes Olbermann a racist.

Have you no shame, Mr. Olbermann? Have you no shame, sir?

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