Saturday, February 27, 2010

NBC and Canadian Gold Medal Ceremony

I have a problem with some of the choices NBC has made in its prime time coverage.

One annoyance is the way precious air time is being devoted to the Canadian national anthem.

I, for one, don't want to hear it.

I can understand NBC airing the ceremony for Canada's first gold medal won during a home Olympics. Firsts are special moments.

And I can understand NBC making the U.S. listen to "O Canada" when an American athlete has taken the silver or bronze medal. Listening to another nation's anthem in that case is totally fine with me.

However, I don't get why NBC is choosing to waste its prime time program covering medal ceremonies that don't involve the U.S. at all.

For example on Tuesday of this week when the American Nordic Combined team won the silver medal in the relay, a historic achievement, NBC elected to show a Canadian gold medal ceremony at the end of its prime time coverage. No American was on the podium.

Enough with "O Canada."

Give American athletes their props.

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