Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Executive Order Signing: NO MEDIA ALLOWED

When Obama signs the executive order that made the passage of the horrifically flawed Senate health care bill possible, absolutely no media will be allowed to record the event.

From the Washington Times:

A day after a lavish bill signing White House ceremony on health care reform, President Obama will sign an executive order barring the law from allowing federally funded abortion, but he'll do so behind closed doors and with no media allowed.

The executive order, which the White House said Tuesday "reaffirms the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Acts consistency with longstanding restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion," was crucial to securing the votes of at least 10 pro-life Democrats.

Led by Rep. Bart Stupak, the group threatened to vote against the bill — which passed by a seven-vote margin, 219-212. In furious last-minute negotiations, the White House offered the executive order as a compromise, and with just hours to go before the vote, the group abandoned its opposition.

...On Wednesday, Mr. Stupak and 12 House Democrats will attend the subdued ceremony, along with Sen. Bob Casey, who helped draft compromise language.

At least according to the White House: Not even a photographer will be allowed into the Oval Office to capture the moment.

Not even a photographer?

Maybe Stupak or one of the other Democrats at the "ceremony" can take a photo with his cell phone.

What's more historic than the most pro-abortion president in the history of our country signing an executive order supposedly guaranteeing that no federal funds will be used to kill the unborn?

That's a big deal.

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