Friday, March 19, 2010

Jesse James: 'Forgive Me'

Jesse James, unfaithful husband of Sandra Bullock, issued this statement yesterday:

"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment. There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It’s because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way. This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."

This ritual is so bizarre.

I'm uncomfortable with these public apologies by celebrities for their personal transgressions, especially when they're as lame as James' apology.

I really don't want to hear how sorry James is. Boo freaking hoo.

He chose to cheat on his wife. He chose to have a relationship with Michelle "Bombshell" McGee. James is the one who should be embarrassed, not his wife or kids.

I know James and Bullock are public figures, but I don't see why he felt compelled to make a public apology. What's the point?

These very personal matters don't need to play out in the media. In this case, there was no incident or accident that involved a police report, as in the unravelling of Tiger Woods. There was no public record of a possible crime.

James' apology, released by his publicist, Monique Huey-Jones, is completely self-serving. It's about repairing his public image.

The public apology has absolutely nothing to do with his marriage or his children. It's purely a selfish move.

I don't want to hear that he hopes "one day [his wife and kids] can find it in their hearts to forgive [him]."

Just shut up, Jesse.

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