Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jim Cramer: 50-60% Federal Tax Rate with ObamaCare


Transcript, from NewsBusters

Cramer made his sobering predictions on today's Morning Joe.
JIM CRAMER: I think this is a bill where if you get amnesty, it goes into law, you get amnesty. You break the budget. That means we're going to see 50-60% federal tax—I'm not kidding. And I also think we see capital gains and dividends being taxed at ordinary income rate. I know the bill doesn't say that now --

LARRY O'DONNELL: So you're in favor of it!

CRAMER: Exactly! I really want to go broke. It's important to me.

O'DONNELL: Broke? You get to keep half your money. What are you talking about?

CRAMER: Well after Jersey taxes, I get to keep 35%. I work for the government until about September 15th, and then it's a-l-l-l mine!

O'Donnell was kidding—I think. But if Cramer is anywhere close to being right, this is no laughing matter.

The federal tax rate at 50-60 percent?

More dire consequences for the country if Obama and the Democrats continue to go against the will of the people.

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