Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Joy Behar, Jay Leno, and Glenn Beck (Video)

I had the misfortune of seeing Joy Behar on Tuesday's Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

She delivered her usual shtick in that grating voice.


JAY LENO: I heard Glenn Beck was talking about you on his show.

JOY BEHAR: Oh, yeah, Glenn Beck. I can't take a man who cries. I mean, it's enough on my wedding night I had to watch that, you know what I mean? Not again.

But um, he does, he talks about me. I'm on his list of 'I hate Glenn Beck.' It's like being on Nixon's enemies list. I loved it. But, I mean, I don't hate him. I don't hate him.

LENO: Let me ask you a question. Would you have him on your show if he said I would like to come on?

BEHAR: I would have him; first have him neutered and spayed, and then yes. But, you know, if I could take this moment...

LENO: No but see that's, you see this is the great thing, this is the great thing about when you have a show like this, you can't say, 'Oh, I don't like that bastard. He's a son of a bitch.' 'Should we book him?' 'Yes. See if you can get him on the show.'

BEHAR: Oh, yeah.

LENO: 'Cause you have to put it aside. Like a lot of times, I have people on I don't agree with but this is not a bully pulpit. You give everybody...

BEHAR: It's just show biz. It's show biz.

LENO: It's show biz.

BEHAR: But you know what? If I could take the opportunity to tell Glenn -- which is my camera? -- 'cause I'd like to say...

LENO: They're all your cameras.

BEHAR: I don't hate him and I want him to know that. Where is it?

LENO: Right there.

BEHAR: Over here? OK. Glenn, listen, I don't hate you. Sincerely, Glenn Beck, from the bottom of my heart, I don't hate you. I don't give a flying f--- about you.

That was so scripted, which makes it even worse. This was a total ratings/promotional ploy.

So many F-bombs have been flying lately.

Leno and Behar both know that the clip will get a lot of attention and they'll benefit from the publicity.

Beck will probably address it. Other talk show hosts may play the sound bite, and NBC obviously wants it circulating on the Internet.

All involved win.

But as for the coarsening of the culture, we lose.

1 comment:

Jim said...

If I had married that shrill harpy, I'd have cried on my wedding night, too.