Friday, March 12, 2010

Michael Moore and Jimmy Fallon (Video)

UPDATE, November 9, 2011: Michael Moore, Jimmy Fallon, and Gary Frick - "Barking Points."

Thursday night, Michael Moore was a guest on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He was hawking his latest movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, just released on DVD.

Actually, for the first segment, I didn't find Moore to be quite as annoying as I usually do. He didn't go into foaming at the mouth mode or rant.

However, during the second segment of the interview, Moore took swipes at NBC and Comcast. Jimmy Fallon squirmed a bit, but handled it well.


MICHAEL MOORE: I keep coming back here to NBC, and I keep wondering why the stagehands and these guys don't have health insurance that's provided by the company. They're still freelancers and yet they've worked here for like 15 years. It just... it seems... I don't know. This is General Electric, and now they're selling it to Comcast? Cable?

JIMMY FALLON: I think, yeah, well, that's rumors. Yeah, that's rumors. Yeah.

MOORE: Is that right?


MOORE: Like, so like a really sh--ty cable company is gonna own NBC? I mean, how much worse could it get for NBC?

FALLON: Well, you definitely can't say the word 'sh--ty' either way. I know that.

MOORE: I feel, I just feel bad for everybody here, you know.

FALLON: They're all happy here. We're all having a good time. Yeah.

MOORE: Well, that's true. They could be, you know, raking lawns I guess.

FALLON: Yeah, yeah, I mean...

MOORE: You will be once Comcast takes over.

FALLON: No, they will not. No, no.

MOORE: Have you ever... has anybody ever had Comcast? I mean, a normal cable company, they tell ya they'll be there between 12:00 and 5:00.

FALLON: That's insane, by the way.

MOORE: Yeah, they mean... Comcast means they'll show up sometime between March 12 and April 5.

FALLON: At least they narrow it down. You can be there... March is a great month to be in...

MOORE: I got your back, Jimmy, don't worry. Don't worry.

FALLON: Thanks, buddy. I appreciate it. Yeah, this is great.

MOORE: They can cut all this out.

FALLON: Oh, this is... No, please. They'll leave it.

MOORE: This man has a death wish.

FALLON: It's fun.


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