Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama and Armageddon (Video, Transcript)

Obama is so arrogant. He speaks in such a condescending manner.

It's not befitting the president of the United States.

Obama is not a uniter. I don't think he wants to be. He only cares about winning his political battles. He only cares about his Leftist agenda.

This is the attitude that drives the Obama White House: If you're not with Obama, you're against him.

It was on display Thursday during his health care victory tour, at the University of Iowa Field House, Iowa City, Iowa.



OBAMA: There’s been plenty of fear-mongering, plenty of overheated rhetoric. You turn on the news, you’ll see the same folks are still shouting about there’s going to be an end of the world because this bill passed. (Laughter.) I’m not exaggerating. Leaders of the Republican Party, they called the passage of this bill “Armageddon.” (Laughter.) Armageddon. “End of freedom as we know it.”

So after I signed the bill, I looked around to see if there any -- (laughter) -- asteroids falling or -- (applause) -- some cracks opening up in the Earth. (Laughter.) It turned out it was a nice day. (Laughter.) Birds were chirping. Folks were strolling down the Mall. People still have their doctors.

From this day forward, all of the cynics, all the naysayers -- they’re going to have to confront the reality of what this reform is and what it isn’t. They’ll have to finally acknowledge this isn’t a government takeover of our health care system. They’ll see that if Americans like their doctor, they’ll be keeping their doctor. You like your plan? You’ll be keeping your plan. No one is taking that away from you. Three months from now, six months from now you’re going to look around. You’re going to be sitting in a doctor’s office reading through the old People magazines. (Laughter.) And you’ll say, hey, this is the same doctor, same plan. It wasn’t Armageddon.

How pompous!

I don't think Obama's mockery does anything to bring the American people together. Instead, he chooses to be defiant and spit in the face of the majority of Americans who are against government-run health care.

Obama continues to lie about people being able to keep their doctors and their insurance plans.

Of course, immediately after he signed the bill those changes didn't happen. That's the way the bill is designed. Intentional delays have been put into it; but the plan most definitely lays the foundation for socialized medicine, which means rationed care and a decrease in quality care.

Make no mistake about it, Obama's goal is a single payer system. He said so, loud and clear. His comrades have said it and still say it -- single payer.

This is the roadmap to single payer.

Bottom line: Obama is not acting like the president of the American people -- ALL of us. I don't see him attempting to bring people together. He's doing the opposite, dividing. He's the community organizer-in-chief. He's an advocate for some of the people.

I don't think he respects me.


Unknown said...

"OBAMA: There’s been plenty of fear-mongering, plenty of overheated rhetoric. You turn on the news, you’ll see the same folks are still shouting about there’s going to be an end of the world because this bill passed."

I think that "Health Care Karaoke" does indeed prove this statement true.

Mary said...

I would love Obama karaoke.

He could talk about there being 57+ states. He could mock the Special Olympics, say that the Cambridge police acted stupidly -- you know, all his greatest hits.

Hamster said...

A surprising thing happened today.

I called my doctors office and he was still there taking appointment. I called My insurance company and they were asked me if I wanted to pay my premiums automatically from my credit card, the Pharmacy a the supermarket was still open the guys in white lab coats were busy putting pills in little plastic bottles. The Catholic hospital down the hill was still taking patients in the emergency room with nuns scurrying about carrying bed pans

Today was suppose to be Armageddon, the end of freedom as we know it, a socialist takeover of the private health care system.

Hmmm…I couldn’t tell the difference between the day before helath care passed and the day after.

Now we were told that the federal government was going to sweep in , round up all the doctors and make them work out of a big government building, that private hospitals were going to be shut down, that pharmacies were going to close and be moved to the big government building. That all those private doctors, nurses and pharmacists were going to become federal employess . That old grandmothers were going to be left on gurneys out in the streets to die.
At least that’s what they've been warning us would happen

Oh well, I’ll give my doctor a call next week and see . Maybe it will take a few days before he has to collect his equipment, shut his office and report to the government health care center.

Armageddon sure seems to be taking it’s time.