Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Obama and Doctors in White Lab Coats

Obama is speaking, telling the country that we're going to have government-run health care whether we like it or not. (Of course, that's not how he's presenting it. Obama is lying about what his plan would mean for Americans.)
MUST-READ: "Obamacare: Still a Threat to Your Life," by Peter Ferrara

The props are all in place. Behind him are health care professional in their "work clothes," white lab coats and scrubs.

There is an audience. It includes doctors decked out in white lab coats.

It looks positively ridiculous.

Didn't the White House learn anything from the last time this idiotic stunt was employed?

Delivering this speech in front of a group of hacks dressed like fools and providing applause at opportune times is so cheesy.

Oops. Obama stumbled over his words a bit. Must have been a teleprompter blip.

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