Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Supreme Court Justices, Obama, and the N-Word

Talk about extreme!

Norman Goldman, fill-in for syndicated lib talk radio host Ed Schultz, also host of The Ed Show on MSNBC, stated that five of the U.S. Supreme Court justices might call Obama the N-word.


From The Ed Schultz Show, March 23, 2010:

NORMAN GOLDMAN: Five members of the Supreme Court don't like Mr. Obama, and they'd be happy to rub his nose in the mud. They might even call him the N-word. You never know. You never know.

What a poisonous thing to say!

It's utterly baseless. It's inflammatory. It's slanderous.

Goldman is calling the justices racist and so lacking in decency that they might call Obama the N-word. He's including Clarence Thomas in that group of haters.

What trash!

It's disturbing that some among the Leftist faithful actually buy into this garbage and repeat it.

I think it's about time some attention is paid to the ugliness spewed by the lib talkers. They have such a minuscule audience compared to a powerhouse like Rush Limbaugh that their vitriol doesn't get widespread notice.

It should. They should be held accountable.

MSNBC should spend a little time analyzing what lib radio hosts are saying and quit exclusively focusing on every utterance that comes out of Limbaugh's mouth.

1 comment:

Harvey Finkelstein said...

The inmates are officially running the asylum.