Sunday, March 28, 2010

'Terri Schiavo: The Musical' - Family Guy (Video)

Seth MacFarlane makes a living out of going too far. Last Sunday's Family Guy went way too far.

The March 21 episode began with the Griffin family watching Stewie perform in his preschool's production, "Terri Schiavo: The Musical."

It was truly disgusting.

Here are some lyrics from the musical number:

This (machine) dispenses gravy for her mashed potato brains
Terri Schiavo is kind of alive-o
What a lively little bugger
Maybe we should just unplug her
Terri Schiavo is kind of alive-o
The most expensive plant you'll ever see

There's only one solution
It's in the Constitution
We've got to pull the plug!

This is supposed to be entertaining?

Watch the full episode here. The Terri Schiavo scene is at the very beginning.

From WTSP:

With the five-year anniversary of Terri Schiavo's death just a week away, her family is taking on the FOX Broadcast Company after "Family Guy" lampooned the controversial saga in its Mar. 21 episode.

The popular animated show opened Sunday night's episode with "Terri Schiavo: The Musical." It mocked Schiavo's diagnosed "persistent vegetative state" as well as the legal battles that plagued the final 15 years of her life.

"We have ignored these types of things before," said Schiavo's brother, Bobby Schindler, of other parodies. "But we felt this time, we just could not ignore just because how highly offensive and how much it denigrated my sister."

Schindler and his family's Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation are calling upon FOX to stop supporting a show that "display(s) prejudice towards people with cognitive disabilities."

"I wish the general public wasn't watching this show, because if they weren't watching it, it wouldn't be aired," said Schindler. "So ultimately, the responsibility falls upon us to not tolerate these types of programs that do nothing but hurt and offend."

...Schindler said regardless of whether someone thought Schiavo's feeding tube should have been removed back in March 2005, he or she should still find The Family Guy episode offensive.

"In my opinion," he continued, "this is a form of hate speech. There's other ways to make people laugh. This certainly isn't one of them."

Terri's brother, Bobby Schindler stated: "My family was astonished at the cruelty and bigotry towards our beloved sister, and all disabled people that we witnessed in this show. My first thought was how this attempt at satire must have been enormously difficult and painful for my mother.

"After further thought, I realized that using my deceased sister as fodder for satire also validates what our family has been saying for many years. There is growing, deep-rooted prejudice against people with brain injuries and other cognitive disabilities. This sort of bare-faced bigotry is dehumanizing to those with disabilities and cruel to those who work tirelessly to ensure that people with disabilities are provided the proper care, protection and respect. People are not vegetables."

Terri Schiavo was not kept alive on mechanical life support. She made use of a feeding tube after some doctors determined it safer for her than swallowing food and fluids on her own.

"The depiction of Terri in The Family Guy episode on March 21 is not only inaccurate," states Schindler, "it seems to take the position that certain people are simply not worthy of receiving medical care because they are viewed as burdens on the health care system."

Schindler also believes it is not a coincidence that this terrible prime time skit took place 10 days prior to the five year anniversary of Terri's death (3/31/05), and just weeks before the foundation's first ever Terri's Life and Hope Concert featuring Randy Travis and Collin Raye, slated for April 11th in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Foundation is calling on all disability rights organizations and pro-life organizations to join us in admonishing the producers and writers of The Family Guy. It will also begin pursuing the sponsors and advertisers of The Family Guy, urging them to stop advertising in this program.

Talk about ugly, offensive stuff!

Where's the outrage?

What complete and utter lack of respect for a human being!


MEDIA ALERT! Contact FOX Regarding 'The Family Guy' Episode!


Jill said...

It is beyond disgusting! I am so sad for this family that they have to continue to be assaulted with this sort of junk. People who create this sort of "entertainment" are truly hateful :(

D said...

Horrifying, and since I don't watch the show, I only heard about it because I read "alternative" news sources (like this one). Shame on them.

Mary said...

It would be terribly offensive if the preschool play were about a fictional person, but for MacFarlane to target Terri Schiavo is so cruel. He's attacking her surviving loved ones.

No compassion whatsoever.

It was not smart to mock a real individual, Terri, because he discredits himself by presenting falsehoods about her condition.

MacFarlane has the right to show the world what kind of person he is, but FOX doesn't have to serve as an accomplice. What concerns me is that FOX provided a forum for him to air his hate and lies.

McQ said...

Honestly, it sounds like the husband who pulled the plug on Terri is the target of this. Never in good taste, I have to admire that MacFarlane pulls out the stops when he sees an injustice. A husband refuses to let his family care for her. Instead, STARVING her to death. He is mocking the husband's callous handling of this terrible case. Bravo, Mr MacFarlane. Thank you for pushing the envelope of free speech.

If I have it all wrong, then MacFarlane is just a scumbag, like Terri's husband.

Family Guy Fan said...

F*** you, I found it hilarious! All you kunsurvatives need to grow a pair and stop being so offended all the time. And yet you all complain that the "librels" are all easily-offended cry babies. (At least when not complaining about Barack Obama, sorry Barakkk HUSSEIN Osama, that better for ya?)

Here's a suggestion: you don't like the show? Don't watch!

3333333333 said...

I find it hilarious that some people think shows like these are trying to offend or mock an individual. The point of the episode was to inform, to alert, and to make people actually care about important topics in modern society as ignorance and apathy are obviously abundant, this blog for example.