Monday, April 26, 2010

James Jones: Jews are Greedy Joke

We know that Obama and members of his administration have issues with Israel.

From Yid With Lid:

As the National Security Adviser, General James Jones is not known as a friend of the Jewish State.

...Earlier this week we may have gotten some insight into why Jones is not a fan of the Jewish Homeland. He was giving the key note speech at a Washington Institute For Near East Policy and started it out with a "Joke" that borders on anti-Semitic, teaching the crowd that Jews are just greedy merchants in the same vein as Shakespeare's Shylock.


GENERAL JAMES JONES: In order to set the stage for my remarks, I'd just like to tell you a story that I think is true. It happened recently in southern Afghanistan.

A member of the Taliban was separated from his fighting party and wandered around for a few days in the desert -- lost, out of food, no water. And he looked on the horizon and he saw what looked like a little shack, and he walked towards that shack. And as he got to it, it turned out that it was a shack, a store, a little store owned by a Jewish merchant.

And the Taliban warrior went up to him and said, 'I need water. Give me some water.'

And the merchant said, 'I'm sorry. I don't have any water, but would you like to buy a tie. We have a nice sale of ties today.'

Whereupon the Taliban erupted into a stream of language that I can't repeat, but about Israel, about Jewish people, about the man himself, about his family. 'I've just said I need water. You try to sell me ties. You people don't get it.'

And passively the merchant stood there until this Taliban was through with his diatribe and said, 'Well, I'm sorry that I don't have water for you. And I forgive you for all of the insults that you've levied against me, my family, my country. But I will help you out. If you go over that hill and walk about two miles there's a restaurant there and they have all the water you'll need.'

The Taliban, instead of saying thanks, still muttering under his breath, disappears over the hill, only to come back about an hour later. And walking up to the merchant, he says, 'Your brother tells me I need a tie to get in the restaurant.'


Jones is Obama's National Security Adviser!


This sounds like a joke the twisted Obama would tell, dissing one of our allies and sucking up to the enemy.

Where's the outreach to Israel?


RC said...

I don't get the joke. Can you explain it please? I'm pretty bad at getting jokes.

gardenmaniac said...

I don't get the joke. Can you explain it please? I'm pretty bad at getting jokes.