Friday, May 21, 2010

Alan Grayson: Republicans and al Qaeda

Alan Grayson's career as a U.S. congressman is defined by his outrageous statements bashing Republicans.

He's whoring for attention and it's pathetic.


ALAN GRAYSON: Why would you put people in charge of government who just don't want to do it? I mean, you wouldn't expect to see al Qaeda members as pilots.

Don't expect Grayson to apologize or claim he uttered a few misdirected words. This Dem is proud of his smears. He gives Democrats a bad name.

Other Grayson disgraces:
Grayson said Cheney had given Biden the benefit of a tour of the White House "dungeon," including it's torture rack.

"I have trouble listening to what [Dick Cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking."

"This lobbyist, this K-Steet whore (Linda Robertson), is trying to teach me about economics."

What Grayson would say to Dick Cheney: "[O]n the Internet there's an acronym that's used to apply to situations like that. It's 'STFU.'"

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