Friday, June 4, 2010

Helen Thomas: Jews

UPDATE, June 7, 2010: Helen Thomas 'Retires'

I know Helen Thomas is an old, old woman and she says crazy stuff.

Still, I don't think she deserves a pass just because of her age. She's a member of the White House press corps. She's responsible for what she says.

When Thomas, very proud liberal, says something anti-Semitic, she should be held accountable.

At the White House Jewish Heritage Celebration, May 27, 2010, Thomas called for the elimination of the Israeli state.



RABBI DAVID NESSENOFF: Any comments on Israel....

HELEN THOMAS: Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.

NESSENOFF: Ooh. Any better comments?

THOMAS: Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not German. It's not Poland.

NESSENOFF: So where should they go? What should they do?

THOMAS: They can go home.

NESSENOFF: Where's their home?

THOMAS: Poland. Germany.

NESSENOFF: So they should just go back to Poland and Germany.

THOMAS: And America, and everywhere else.

I bet Thomas would get along well with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And Jimmy Carter.

Here's video of the complete interview:


o3man said...

If she had said that Hispanics need to go back to mexico, and blacks need to go back to Africa she would have been fired plain and simple. In fact, she might have been sent to prison. Why the double standard?

Mary said...

There's no question there's a double standard, and it's disgusting.

Spot-the-blogger said...

When Hispanics and blacks set up a homeland, push it's boundaries ever outward and use deadly force against the people they ethnically cleansed out of said homeland... then you might have a cause to claim double standards.

johntwodogs said...

Huckabee says the Palestinians need to find another place to live, that Israel is the Biblical homeland of the Jews. The whole world doesn't adhere to the Bible. Actually, the majority does not. He is still employed by Fox News, and could still be a viable candidate for the Republicans. I think the majority of Americans have been brainwashed, and clearly don't think for themselves. Nothing is as cut and dried as the "American" take on the Palestinian issue. Hopefully the Israelis won't come up with a "final solution" along the same line as Hitler's. I think Helen Thomas' remarks are much less devisive than what is heard daily on the MSM across the world. And in response to o3man, daily their is a mantra of Hispanics go back to Mexico, even if they didn't actually come from there.