Thursday, August 5, 2010

Letterman and Maddow: Breitbart, FOX News, O'Reilly

Once upon a time, David Letterman was funny and bright and clever and innovative and entertaining.

Those were the days. Unfortunately, they're long gone.

Now, Letterman is a bitter, angry liberal. And he's a hypocrite, questioning others' integrity.

With Rachel Maddow as his guest, Letterman had fun ripping Andrew Breitbart, Bill O'Reilly, FOX News, and the American people who vote for conservatives.

Letterman called Breitbart an "a--hole." Big laugh. What comic genius!



DAVID LETTERMAN: So in the collective ideology of FOX and others, to what end, what is the objective of this sort of nonsense?

RACHEL MADDOW: Scaring white people is good politics on the conservative side of the spectrum, and it always has been. The idea is that you sort of rile up the white base to be afraid of scary immigrants or scary black people, somebody coming to take white people's rightful property or rights. And you get them riled up so they feel that they have to vote in self-defense and they vote for conservative candidates because of that fear.

This is nauseating.

I don't vote for conservative candidates because of "scary black people" or "scary immigrants" or fear that they're coming to take away my property and rights.

How disgusting!

Maddow and Letterman don't realize how bigoted they are being. They don't understand conservatism.

1 comment:

LL said...

I don't watch Letterman because I don't think that (a) he's funny, (b) he's intelligent and has a point of view that matters, (c) that he's contemporary.

He's an old man who is turning into a curmudgeon before the viewing public.