Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Obama and Bush Tax Cuts

How bad can things get for Obama?

Obama is now failing in his effort to sell class warfare to the majority of Americans.

What's a radical Leftist like Obama to do?

A new poll shows that people do not want the Bush tax cuts to expire.

From Reuters:

Almost one-third of Americans support President Barack Obama's proposal to allow tax rates to rise for the wealthiest, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found on Tuesday.

Nearly half of those surveyed think the tax breaks, which were enacted under former President George W. Bush, should be extended for everyone, including those who make more than $200,000 a year and would be excluded under Obama's proposal.

Fifteen percent back stronger action than Obama has proposed -- letting all the lower tax rates expire, a view typically held by those worried about the yawning budget deficit.

Overall, that implies Americans are closely divided over the Bush era tax cuts. The poll found 49 percent favored extending all of Bush's tax cuts, while 46 percent favored letting them expire at the end of this year for all or some Americans.

...When asked to rate their top economic concerns, the respondents listed government spending second, behind unemployment. Sixty-seven percent said they are "very concerned" about government spending, the poll found.

That finding implies the Republicans' message about excessively high government spending is resonating with voters.

However, when asked whether lower taxes or cutting the budget deficit was a higher priority, majorities among both parties rated the deficit as more important.

...Obama and his fellow Democrats want to raise tax rates for individuals earning $200,000 or more, and for couples making more than $250,000. Republicans back extending historically low federal tax rates on all, including the upper income groups.

...With unemployment stubbornly stuck near 10 percent, Republicans and several conservative Democrats argue raising taxes could derail the fragile economic recovery.

It has to worry Obama that so many Americans aren't buying into his class warfare, "stick it to the rich" stuff anymore.

It has to bother him that Americans WANT President Bush's tax policy to be extended and they're rejecting his plan.

It has to concern Obama that Americans don't trust him and the Dems to get the economy back on track.

And let's not forget, that Obama and his fellow Democrats have already raised "tax rates for individuals earning $200,000 or more, and for couples making more than $250,000."

Here's Obama and his big lie:

He broke that pledge on February 4, 2009.

If Obama allows the Bush tax cuts to expire, chances are your taxes will go up. That's a tax increase, an OBAMA tax increase.


Joe Biden tries to defend Obama's tax increase policy.

He claims:

Vice President Biden tells Rep. John Boehner that he appreciates his advice but that the administration will be fine with its own plan ...Vice President Biden told House Minority Leader John Boehner on Tuesday that he appreciates his advice — fire the White House’s economists — but that the administration will be fine with its own plan.

“After months of promising a look at his party’s agenda for their plans for America ... he made what was billed this morning as a major economic address,” Biden said at a Recovery Act event on Tuesday. “His chief proposal was that the president should fire his economic team — very constructive advice, and we thank the leader for that.”

Biden accused Republicans of having run the economy “into the ground” during the Bush years and favoring “special interests.”

“I respect them for their honesty,” he said. “ respect them for stating what they think. But there are millions upon millions of Americans who saw their paychecks sink. ... Mr. Boehner is nostalgic for those good old days, but the American people are not.”

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, Biden is wrong. It seems that Americans are nostalgic for the good old days of the Bush tax cuts.

Biden wants Americans to blame Bush for the current economic situation. They don't. Obama owns the economy. It's his recession.

Video here.

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