Monday, November 29, 2010

High-Speed Rail: Feds Charge for Killing Project?

Governor-elect Scott Walker promises to kill the Milwaukee to Madison high-speed train.

Will the feds demand a refund?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been slapped with a $271.1 million bill for killing a tunnel project.

From the Associated Press:

New Jersey owes the federal government $271.1 million for canceling a rail tunnel connecting the state with New York.

An invoice from the Federal Transit Administration's chief financial officer to NJ Transit's executive director was sent Nov. 24 and is due within 30 days. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the correspondence Monday.

It's money the government wants New Jersey to repay for work done on the Hudson River tunnel before Gov. Chris Christie terminated the project. The notification is formal demand for payment and follows a warning letter earlier this month estimating the charges.

NJ Transit Executive Director Jim Weinstein said earlier this month that the state hadn't determined if it would have to pay any money back.

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