Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Obama: Republicans, Hostage-Takers

Obama's press conference yesterday afternoon seemed more like a Democrat Party meeting than a Q & A with journalists.

It was bizarre the way Obama was addressing the White House press corps and the way members of the media were addressing him.

The press demanded an explanation for Obama allegedly caving to Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts.

The Republicans were treated like the enemy by both the press and Obama.

Don't they remember what happened on November 2, 2010?

They were shellacked. The American people sent a deafeningly loud message to the Leftists. Obama and his minions are denying reality and the meaning of their defeat.

The way
Democrats and Obama himself are referring to Republicans is inexcusable. It's absolutely disgraceful for the president of the United States to use rhetoric that characterizes Republicans as terrorists and hostage-takers.

Obama's talking crazy. He must be channeling Jeremiah Wright.


Transcript, from the White House

OBAMA: I’ve said before that I felt that the middle-class tax cuts were being held hostage to the high-end tax cuts. I think it’s tempting not to negotiate with hostage-takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. Then people will question the wisdom of that strategy. In this case, the hostage was the American people and I was not willing to see them get harmed.

That's a terribly inappropriate analogy.

Moreover, Obama and his band of Leftists have had two years to do whatever they wanted. They could have raised taxes on the rich. Republicans alone had no power to stop them.

Bottom line: Obama's campaign promise to let the Bush tax cuts for high income earners expire is not being held hostage. He can get whatever he wants as long as he has the support of fellow Democrats.

Obama's divisive rhetoric is sickening.

(He also just told terrorists that he's willing to negotiate with them if they threaten to harm hostages.)


HarveyF said...

Yeah, Obama can't even carry Chavez' jockstrap.

Mike Dawson said...

Mary says: "Moreover, Obama and his band of Leftists have had two years to do whatever they wanted. They could have raised taxes on the rich. Republicans alone had no power to stop them."

No question President Obama has not been as effective as the Republicans when it comes to aligning their troops...but your memory and recollection is mighty short or just very selective. You have forgotten how effective the GOP was in the Senate blocking virtually everything that Democrats and Independents were trying to do. The House passed a ton of legislation - much of it got bogged down in the Senate because the Democrats didn't always have 60 votes on every piece of legislation. Again, I remind you of the filibuster - the GOP used it on just about everything the past 2 years - at a pace 3 times greater than either party used it previously. So, bottom-line: the GOP is great at being obstructionists....but their little charade is adding $700 to $900 billion to the deficit, and the Republicans who regained control of the House for the next Congress will get to explain how crafty they are at fiscal responsibility. The GOP sure isn't off to a rocket start to make government smaller...oh, and how about the employment situation? It's been over a month since the elections - where are the jobs????!!!!!! (That one-month grace-period was just about as long as the radical right-wing nuts gave President Obama before they started their antics. When Limbaugh proclaimed: "I hope he fails" had Obama even taken the oath of office? I don't even care to waste time to research that fun-factoid.) Such hypocrites.

HarveyF said...

Maybe the Democrats who have been in control of the Congress since the last two year of the Bush Presidency have allowed the Deficit and Debt explode? - and since they have been in control how the country has done nothing but lose jobs.

Facts are a real pain, aren't they?

It is amazing how liberal democrats will twist themselves into a pretzel to attempt to spin and rationalize their misinformation; meanwhile, instead of actually doing the job they were supposedly elected to do, they let the country go to hell.

Mike said...

Harvey: the facts are clear - no pretzel twisting required to absorb the basic truths, which is not always covered on Faux News so it's understandable you missed it. But you do have to actually read and think at the same here's a mini-road map:

Debt - how we got here: George W. Bush, not a Democratic Congress, pushed through two unfunded tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. Since only 2 Democrats in the Senate voted for the bill and the GOP did not have 60 votes required to overcome a filibuster, reconciliation rules were used. (Which why the "tax cuts" expire after 10-yrs and were not meant to be permanent.) The 50-50 tie was decided by Cheney's vote.

Cost of two unfunded wars: $1,118,900,000,000 and rising every minute. Ponder that figure for a moment and compare it to our total Federal Budget deficit of $1,346,211,000,000 which actually declining at the moment. 83% of our current national budget deficit is funding war. (sources-- and

Economy tanked - now what? Yep, the stimulus package was a huge chunk of spending, approved by a Democratic Congress with little support by GOP - but that sure hasn't stopped those hypocrites from standing in front of those massive photo-op checks when local spending projects were announced in districts all across the country. 114 Republicans in Washington voted against the bill and then went to the stimulus bank for money. Here's just one example: John Boehner blasts the stimulus spending every chance he gets but it didn't stop him from tapping into the dough when the opportunity rose. Our next Speaker of the House said in June 2009: "With Ohio’s unemployment rate the highest it’s been in 25 years, I’m pleased that federal officials stepped in to order Ohio to use all of its construction dollars for shovel-ready projects that will create much-needed jobs." That's from his own website - no "liberal bias" or other person's interpretations. Boehner said it - and I can provide similar links to at least 42 more examples of Republican hypocrisy on stimulus spending. They complain out of one side of their mouth while requesting stimulus funds for home districts out of the other.
(sources: and

One other fact, Harvey, on the stimulus spending package: nearly a third, or $288 billion of the $787 billion, was for tax cuts introduced by Republicans.

Job loss - Harvey says "since they have been in control how the country has done nothing but lose jobs". Sorry Harvey but the facts don't support that assertion. In truth, the job loss numbers peaked in January '09 before you-know-who left office. Now don't go off all upset and getting high blood pressure - I'm not pointing fingers or blaming Bush for everything (like conservatives like to assert). But I am saying the country has enjoyed a steady monthly improvement since Mr. Obama took the oath of office....not the other way around as you contend. Need facts? Here's a link to a chart which has appeared in print and most electronic media for over a year - likely not on Fox, though. So if you missed it, and want to avoid embarrassing yourself in public again, check it out (multiple links to the same damn chart):
Oh, don't believe it? Try s'more:

Harvey: I'm not a liberal Democrat. I'm a conservative independent small business owner who is just sick of the orchestrated radical right wing campaign. It's fine that we disagree, but lets all formulate opinions and comments based on facts and not myths, lies and falsehoods.

HarveyF said...

The irrational libs are always so quick with their snide put downs aren't they? I never got past the insults to read the lame excuses that I'm sure were in the treatise.