Friday, January 28, 2011

Obama Confused: Afghanistan, Iraq

The brilliant Obama had some problems with his brilliance during an online interview by YouTube.

President Obama answers questions on a wide range of issues submitted by and voted on by YouTube users in an interview moderated by YouTube's Steve Grove. January 27, 2011.

Video here.

Hit with a tough question about his administration’s policy in Afghanistan and Iraq on Thursday, President Obama made a muddled mess out of his plans for withdrawing troops from the region.

Obama swapped “Iraq” for “Afghanistan” when he answered a question on YouTube about whether he still believes soldiers need to die in the wars there.

“As I said, we will be out of Afghanistan by the end of this year,” Obama said, a fairly significant misstatement of his administration’s Afghanistan policy, which doesn’t call for a troop withdrawal until 2014. The misstep was picked up by the Future of Capitalism blog.

“We’ll have a relationship with Iraq in the same way we have relationships with many countries around the world,” Obama continued, correcting himself.

The YouTube moderator interjected, in an effort to clarify Obama’s statement. “So out of Afghanistan, as in ...”

Future of Capitalism points out that Obama's gaffe comes at 21:39 in the video.
President Obama declares, "As I said, we will be out of Afghanistan by the end of this year." Then he declares, "Combat operations in Afghanistan have ended."

This is a major gaffe. What happened to the supposedly most intelligent president in American history?

Was his repeated gaffe a Freudian slip?

Wishful thinking?

Sleep deprivation?

No teleprompter anxiety attack?

Who knows?

As we've seen in the past, take the genius Obama off the teleprompter and the flubs flow.


Harvey Finkelstein said...

Somebody needs to tell Obama that the President's main job is foreign policy. I don't think he has a clue that this is the case. But then again, maybe neither does anybody that is in the position to let him know.

Egypt is burning, Iraq and Afghanistan are a mess and the dude is nowhere to be found.

What a bunch of suckers that voted for this amateur poltician that somehow believes he is capable of completely changing our country into what he thinks it should be while the rest of the world gets more dangerous and is laughing at his incompetence.

Mary said...

You're right. Obama is lost in terms of foreign policy. I guess Biden was supposed to pick up the slack in that department.

It's understandable why things are such a mess.

It's Jimmy Carter redux.