Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama Makes Boehner Cry

Obama threw a bone to the Leftists who love to mock John Boehner's tears.

He delivered some lines that were guaranteed to get Boehner to choke up.

OBAMA: We may have differences in policy, but we all believe in the rights enshrined in our Constitution. We may have different opinions, but we believe in the same promise that says this is a place where you can make it if you try. We may have different backgrounds, but we believe in the same dream that says this is a country where anything’s possible. No matter who you are. No matter where you come from.

That dream is why I can stand here before you tonight. That dream is why a working class kid from Scranton can stand behind me. That dream is why someone who began by sweeping the floors of his father’s Cincinnati bar can preside as Speaker of the House in the greatest nation on Earth.

We all know that Boehner cannot think of sweeping floors without becoming weepy.

I think Obama included that on purpose, just to bait Boehner.

Joe Biden's expression gave it away. He was smiling ear to ear.


Mike said...

"I think Obama included that on purpose, just to bait Boehner." Oh come on, Mary....even a person as negative as yourself can not really believe that. (And if you do, may I suggest therapy? You can pick up the Speaker on your way.)

I understand that you want to nit-pick essentially every thing Mr. Obama said last night - just as I wish to totally challenge Rep. Ryan's counter response. I'm going to practice some degree of self-control - wishing others did the same.

The Liberal Voice said...

Could you imagine what the national media would say if Nancy Pelosi blubbered like a baby every two seconds? They would say that she is unstable and question her ability to do her job. I don't ever want to hear crap about how tough Republicans are ever again.

Mary said...


Please go the sidebar and click on the comment policy.

Cut out the ad hominem attacks.

Comment on the issue, not me.

Mary said...


Of course, you don't really mean that Boehner blubbers like a baby every two seconds.

Although I doubt the national media (aka Liberal Media, Dem mouthpieces) would have been extremely rough on Pelosi if she teared up often, I think that some might have applied a sexist standard.

I question the stability of some elected officials and it has nothing to do with crying.

Don't paint with such a broad brush in terms of the toughness of Republicans.

Mike said...

I gladly comment on issues - but when a topic is manufactured I will comment appropriately.

Mary said...

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