Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Madison Protests - Scott Walker

Public union members are upset about Governor Scott Walker's budget plans.

What do union members do when they're upset?

The Democrat-Union-Media Complex kicks into gear.

Thousands descend on Capitol to protest Walker’s plans

The state Capitol was awash Tuesday in protests as thousands gathered to voice opposition to a bill by Gov. Scott Walker that would greatly weaken organized labor in Wisconsin.

More than 10,000 protesters crowded the southwest side of the Capitol building, many of them carrying signs and chanting “recall Walker.” Meanwhile, inside, thousands crowded the rotunda and watched TVs set up to broadcast the public hearing scheduled to discuss the governor’s proposal.

Unveiled Friday, Walker’s plan would remove collective bargaining rights for most of the 175,000 state and local employees, allowing workers to negotiate only over salary. Walker, however, exempted most law enforcement, firefighters and Wisconsin State Patrol troopers from the change.

On Tuesday, members of the fire fighters union received a loud ovation from the crowd outside the Capitol as they marched through holding signs that showed their solidarity with their fellow state and local employees.

“What’s good for one of us is good for all of us,” said Russell Griswold, a retired electrician from West Allis.

I agree with Griswold.

"What's good for one of us is good for all of us."

As a former member of AFSCME, I ask: Why should public employees get a free ride and not have to adjust to economic hardship like employees in the private sector?

Some of us in the private sector have been hit very hard by today's economic realities.

We've seen our benefits shrink. We pay more and get less. I don't like it all, but that's the way it is. Better to have a job with less benefits than no job at all.

As union member Griswold said, "What's good for one of us is good for all of us."

Damn straight.

Union members (aka Democrats), you have to pay your fair share.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Said Mike Oliver, 62, a recently retired worker from Verizon and member of the Communications Workers of America for 41 years: "I am here to support my fellow union members. I am all for the governor balancing the budget but not on the backs of state workers."

I want a balanced budget, but not on the backs of private sector workers.

Scott Walker is making tough choices. They have to be made.

Some union members, many of them radical Leftists, only believe in spreading the wealth around when it lands in their pockets. If they really believe in the Leftist principles they and their leaders support, then they should be willing to TAKE LESS themselves.

Does it hurt to take an economic hit to your household budget?

Of course.

Deal with it, like the rest of us.

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