Monday, March 7, 2011

Are Federal Workers Overpaid?

The Heritage Foundation answers the question: Are federal workers overpaid?

The Federal Times calls it a “steel cage match” in which “two wonks enter, one wonk leaves.” Congressional hearings are never that exciting, but Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on federal pay does promise some spirited debate. At issue is how the federal government pays its civilian workers—and, more importantly, whether it pays them too much.

... Defenders of the federal pay system will have a difficult task during the hearing. They must explain the following:
(a) why federal workers earn 10 to 20 percent higher wages than private workers with the same skills

(b) why private workers who switch into the federal government see a larger wage increase than private workers who find another private sector job

(c) why federal workers earn benefits more generous than even workers in large private sector firms

(d) why much greater job security in the federal sector is never part of pay comparisons

(e) why federal workers quit their jobs at just one third the rate of private sector workers

(f) why most federal jobs have waiting lists



jimspice said...

What was that I was saying the other day about sources that don't have FOX in their name? This one just has FOX in their pocket.

Mary said...

Read about the Heritage Foundation.

It predates FOX.

jimspice said...

I know it predates FOX. Creator always predates creation, right?

Three words on Heritage: Scaife, Koch, Walton (

Mary said...

What's your point?

I don't have a problem with private citizens supporting causes they believe in.

What's sinister about that?

jimspice said...

You don't really need to read the "research" coming out of ideological think tanks; the conclusions are predetermined. Notice I didn't say conservative think tanks. It applies to the left as well. I can recognize when my side is fudging the data and fault them for it. The problem is, conservatives tend to view their sources as the only ones that matter, and hold them sacrosanct. Government research? Liberals. Academic research? Liberals. Journalistic research? Liberals.

Mary said...

Certainly, we all have to analyze information and determine if it's credible.