Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walker Releases E-Mails

For weeks, the Democrats, union thugs, and their minions have been insisting that Governor Scott Walker was a dictator and refused to listen to them.

That entire narrative is now officially and without question ridiculous, pure drivel.

On Tuesday, Gov. Walker's office released e-mails revealing the extent of the negotiations with the AWOL Democrat Wisconsin state senators.

Read some e-mails between the Governor's office and the runaway Democrats.

It's clear that the supposed tyrannical Walker isn't a tyrant at all.

The Democrats have been lying. They've been lying to the media. They've been lying to their constituents. They've been lying to the Republicans.

It doesn't look good. Not good at all.

Gov. Scott Walker's office released documents Tuesday detailing now stalled talks with Senate Democrats in Illinois about his union bargaining bill, showing his office is willing to give on some aspects of the proposal but also frustrating one senator involved in the confidential talks.

The e-mails showed ideas and counteroffers made by the Republican governor's aides and two Democrats as they sought some resolution that would allow Democrats to come back to the state. Senate Democrats have been holed up in Illinois since Feb. 17, when they left Wisconsin to block a vote on Walker's budget-repair bill.

The emails were first released to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel through an open-records request and within minutes were then emailed out to other news outlets. The Journal Sentinel also first reported Friday on some of the proposals in the documents.

The bill as proposed by Walker and approved by the Assembly last month would repeal bargaining by public employee unions over their benefits and work conditions, leaving only bargaining over wages with a cap based on the rate of inflation, barring a referendum. The measure has sparked massive protests at the Capitol in recent weeks.

The two Democratic senators, Bob Jauch of Poplar and Tim Cullen of Janesville, have met face-to-face in recent days with both Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) and Walker aides.

Cullen characterized the talks as "discussions" rather than negotiations since he and Jauch weren't speaking on behalf of other Democrats. Jauch also cautioned that the two sides had never reached a final deal.

Cullen said he was disappointed Walker released the e-mails.

"I've never seen negotiations be done successfully in public," he said. "I thought they were bargaining in good faith."

Of course, Cullen is disappointed that Gov. Walker released the e-mails.

They make the Dems look like complete jerks.

Cullen and his Dem cohorts need to remember that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel asked for the e-mails through an open-records request.

Gov. Walker and the Republicans complied.

Cullen should be disappointed with the lib media for requesting the documents. He should NOT blame Gov. Walker's office for the transparency.

Another reason the 14 AWOL Dems look like jerks:

Senate Dems get their paychecks after all

Republicans have looked for every way they can to pressure Democrats boycotting the Senate to come back.

They've threatened to arrest them. They've threatened to fine them. They even told them they were withholding the Democrats' paychecks until they came back.

But it turns out they didn't do that. Sens. Tim Cullen (D-Janesville) and Bob Jauch (D-Poplar) said their paychecks were mailed to their homes over the weekend.

“Apparently they can only hold them for so many days,” Jauch said.

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) said in a statement that checks were mailed out Friday because negotiations with Democrats were going well and the ability to withhold the checks was in a legal "gray area."

The Republicans have also agreed to delay the $100 fines for the AWOL Dems.
Senate Democrats did not show up Tuesday and the Republicans who were there delayed action on imposing $100 fines for each day the Democrats miss.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says they are trying to fine-tune the resolutions instituting the fines and may take them up on Wednesday. He says his members continue to support that idea.

The AWOL Dems appear extreme and unreasonable.

And, of course, they've been exposed as liars.

I need an orange t-shirt.

Where's my drum?

I feel a chant coming on...


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