Friday, March 18, 2011

Water St. Shooting - St. Patrick's Day

UPDATE: More details on the circumstances of the shooting.

Fight during St. Patrick's Day revelry led to shooting on Water St.


A shooting outside Coyote Ugly on Water St. in Milwaukee prompted police to close bars in the area three hours early on St. Patrick's Day.

Video, from FOX 6:


A fight broke out between a group of people outside the tavern and then a shot was fired. A 25-year-old male was shot. The suspect fled the scene.

Moments after the shooting, officers went inside the bars in the surrounding area and forced the bars to close three hours before normal closing time in order to secure the area.

The victim is suffering from non-life threatening injuries. No one is in custody at this time.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the crowd celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Water St. had been "orderly and there were no other serious incidents reported."

From 620 WTMJ:

A line of police formed to get St. Patrick's Day partiers out of the area.

Police had to shut down a portion of the very busy area and clear out some bars to get a handle on the situation.

One witness who was in town on business described what he saw when he walked out of his hotel.

"It was chaos," said Reagen Bailey. "I came out of the hotel and maybe 100 people came my way. As I walked in, there was a guy in the street and the police started tending to him."

Police are still looking for the shooter and are asking for any information, including cell phone video or pictures. Witnesses or others with information can call 414-935-7360.

Thankfully, no one was killed, though the shooting certainly killed business.

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