Saturday, April 30, 2011

Contessa Brewer and Tony Katz

MSNBC'a Contessa Brewer, former TMJ4 reporter and anchor, had a spirited discussion with Tony Katz, talk radio host.

Of course, Brewer was as Leftist and loony as ever. Katz schooled Brewer. No surprise there.

What's best about this segment is Katz's use of the term "racer" to describe those many Leftist individuals who insist that criticism of Obama must be rooted in race.



TONY KATZ: But this whole idea of race, you know what? If there are birthers, and they're all crazy and silly for actually wanting to see a birth certificate, well let's talk about the "racers" - the people who believe that everything's a conspiracy about race. It's Obama's race that people want to see the birth certificate. It's Obama's race that people don't like the out of control spending. It's not his race. It's that he's awful. The policies are terrible.

Exactly. It's not about Obama's skin. It's about his policies and his miserable performance as president.

I love that term - RACERS.

Leftists, including Obama, have to realize that playing the race card is not effective.

Critics of Obama will not be silenced by being called racist. It's not going to work.

The racers are just as offensive as the birthers.

Racism exists. Falsely crying "racism" only serves to minimize the significance of actual instances of racism. That's a major step backward for everyone.


Anonymous said...

"Do you defend or repudiate all of these terrible racist people? Donald Trump said something that was not true."

"People don't trust Obama. People criticize him because his policies are awful. I am not Donald Trump."

Katz 1, Brewer 0.

debbie76 said...

Katz's Law states: "As a discussion about Obama grows longer, the probability of charges of racism approaches one."

jimspice said...

"...just as offensive as the birthers."

But in Dec. of 2008 you suggest "There's no question that Obama should produce the original document. The longer Obama dodges doing that I'm becoming more and more suspicious."

I'd have figured by now you'd be chairman.