Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump: Racist

MSNBC pounded a message on Tuesday: Donald Trump is a racist. The Tea Party and Republicans are racist.

On Lawrence O'Donnell's The Last Word, PBS host Tavis Smiley declared that the 2012 presidential race would be the most racist in the nation's history, thanks to the Tea Party and Trump.

Video and transcript, from NewsBusters:


TAVIS SMILEY, PBS: I said over a year ago that this was going to be, this presidential race, Lawrence, was going to be the ugliest, the nastiest, the most divisive, and the most racist, the most racist, in the history of this republic. I did not know that that race to the bottom would begin so quickly. One can disagree with the Tea Party…

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, HOST: Why did you see this coming?

SMILEY: I saw it coming because it’s pretty clear given how the Tea Party has acted, given that Donald Trump is now playing to the worst in the Tea Party, that this would be possible. I don’t want to demonize or cast aspersions on the Tea Party broadly. I believe that there’s a certain angst that many people in that entity feel, and I share that angst about government. I don’t believe that it’s the solution to reduce government.

Government does have a role to play. We’ve got to figure out, we can figure out and debate what that role is, but there have been semantics they’ve engaged in that made it clear to me: showing up at rallies with guns, and the Secret Service, you know, working overtime to protect this president. More threats against his life than any president in the history of the nation, indeed, presidents combined.

So the evidence is pretty clear that they would do anything and say anything in order to make sure he does not get reelected.

When in doubt, whip out the race card.

MSNBC stuck with its "Trump is a racist" theme after O'Donnell's show ended.

The crazed Ed Schultz, host of MSNBC's Ed Show, said, "I think Donald Trump is a racist."

Here's the video and transcript, also from NewsBusters:

ED SCHULTZ: You mean to tell me that [Trump’s] questioning the academic prowess of one of the smartest presidents we’ve ever had? Mr. Trump, when you start getting your advice from all of the special, special Republican advisers that we’ve seen step to the plate in the past instead of Jerome Corsi. Dude, you could do better than that.

This is what the Republican Party stands for, though: racism. I think Donald Trump is a racist.

MSNBC and its radical Leftist hosts and guests are a disgrace.

Don't they have a conscience or any concern about the consequences of their ugly, irresponsible rhetoric?

Apparently not.

The Republican Party does not stand for racism. The Tea Party isn't about racism. From what I've seen, Trump is not a racist.

Good grief.

The band of extreme Leftists at MSNBC really have done so much damage to the NBC News brand, but they keep plugging away, peddling their propaganda.

Thankfully, MSNBC languishes in the ratings cellar. Americans reject it.


Related: Pat Buchanan calls out MSNBC's Chris Matthews.
Key quote: Pat Buchanan to Chris Matthews: "You're supposed to be a journalist."

That's MSNBC's problem in a nutshell: political hacks masquerading as journalists.


Unknown said...

Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of American Conservatives once said, "No one group in this country is better than another. No one race or religion or sex or color is better than another. ... It's time we erased the last vestiges of intolerance, bigotry and unkindness from our hearts. Decency demands this and so does our history."

I have no reason to believe Reagan wasn’t speaking honestly although he was a politician and more than one Conservative has told me all politicians are liars and are not to be trusted.

At any rate, I first make the assumption that Reagan’s words are taken at face value by most Conservatives. I also assume that Reagan is accepted as the leading visionary and philosophical touchstone of the Tea Party movement – at least judging by the number of his quotes that festoon most of the Conservative Web sites I’ve visited. Certainly, I don’t think anyone can dispute he’s a key figure for Conservatives as periodically you see articles claiming or disputing someone is the “next Ronald Reagan.”

A third assumption - for the sake of argument if nothing else - the Tea Party is officially opposed to racism.

So, applying my assumptions and supposing that Reagan’s words actually carry weight, why do we see the worst kind of racial lampoons and skits that are at least offensive - if not racist - at Tea Party rallies?

Why do people bearing, for example, posters of President Obama as an African witch doctor feel they would be welcome at a Tea Party rally?

Anonymous said...

Amazing that Mary published your insights, David. Thanks for sharing your observations.

Mary said...

You're banned, Mike (aka Mike Dawson of Grand Blanc, Michigan).