Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mayfair: Facebook Fight

Mayfair Mall has not been having a very good June.

Earlier this week, there was the story of the teen thug pulling a gun on a couple in the Mayfair parking lot at around 2:00 in the afternoon.

Now, we hear about a violent fight that took place at the mall last week.

From WauwatosaNOW:

A fight between two 23-year-old Milwaukee women at Mayfair last week resulted in hair scattered on the floor, nearly two dozen punches thrown and a bleeding eye, according to a Wauwatosa police report.

Also from the report:

One of the women was shopping at Journeys shoe store when the second entered, yelling about Facebook, at 6:32 p.m. June 22.

She pulled the first woman out of the store by her hair and punched her repeatedly, resulting in an eye injury.

Security guards arrived and pulled them apart.

Both women were arrested for disorderly conduct and the district attorney is expected to issue charges this week.

This wasn't a minor disagreement playing out in public.

This was a scary, violent incident.

There's nothing wrong with Mayfair.

There is quite a bit wrong with some of its patrons.

This handful of bad people may serve to keep many good people away from Mayfair.

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