Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tracy Morgan: Anti-Gay Rant Apology (Video)

Tracy Morgan is still apologizing for anti-gay remarks he made during a performance in Nashville on June 3rd.

Read an account of Morgan's rant here.

Some people at Morgan's show enjoyed his "comedic take." A few people walked out. It wasn't until word of Morgan's performance spread via the Internet that his comments became a major problem for him.

Yesterday, Morgan returned to Nashville to apologize. He met with members of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and Kevin Rogers, the man who shared Morgan's offensive remarks via a Facebook post.

Associated Press video:

CNN video of Morgan's apology:

Morgan certainly seems sincere. He understands that he offended people with what he said. He's taking responsibility for the words he said on stage. I believe he realizes that he really hurt people and he's deeply sorry. Could it be that Morgan is just doing this apology tour because it's a smart career move? Sure. But I don't think that's what's going on here. Watching him speak and listening to his apology, I believe that what he said was heartfelt. He's not that good of an actor to pull off a fake apology. Morgan's high profile experience may prompt others to reflect on their own unkind words and realize the pain they cause. Hopefully, Morgan isn't the only one who's learned a lesson.

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