Tuesday, July 26, 2011

David Wu: 'Consensual' Sex with Teenager

UPDATE, July 26, 2011: David Wu resigns.

DEMOCRAT David Wu says he won't run for reelection but he also won't resign in the wake of the sex scandal.

DEMOCRAT Wu claims that his sexual encounter with a teenager was consensual and he did nothing illegal.

From Politico:

Democratic Rep. David Wu admitted to a senior Democrat that he “did not use good judgment” during a sexual encounter with the teenage daughter of a family friend last Thanksgiving, although he claimed to have “done nothing illegal.”

Wu made the comment to Rep. John Larson (Conn.), chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, during a 40-minute meeting the two men had Monday afternoon.

...Sources close to Wu told POLITICO late Sunday night that he will not resign, although the veteran lawmaker has already decided not to seek reelection in 2012. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) have asked the Ethics Committee to investigate the incident, first reported by The Oregonian.

...Wu spent most of Monday huddled in the Democratic Cloakroom located off the House floor. Wu could be seen speaking to Honda and several other colleagues when he went on the floor to vote, but he quickly darted back into the cloakroom, which is off-limits to anyone but members and approved staffers.

Honda told Fox News that Wu shared “very personal things” during their conversation.

In an interview, Larson said he told Wu “to take care of your family, then yourself, then the institution, in that order.” While other top Democrats have privately urged Wu to resign, Larson said he had not done so. He called resignation “an option” for Wu.

Wu, though, admitted that an encounter with the girl occurred, potentially making it more difficult for his defenders to stand by him as the scandal unfolds. Wu reportedly told some of his staffers that the sex was “consensual,” The Oregonian reported.

The longer the scandal drags on the worse it is for Democrats.

It would be best for all involved if Wu would just step aside now.

By hanging on, Wu is giving Republicans a gift, just like Anthony Weiner did.

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