Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obama Health Care Lies

Obama owes the American people an explanation for the numerous inaccuracies (lies) he told when he was pushing for government-run health care.

He relayed heartwrenching anecdotes of insurance companies dropping coverage of seriously ill people due to pre-existing conditions.

The problem: They were riddled with falsehoods.

The story of Obama's tall tales has been simmering out there for well over a week. I wish it would gain more traction because it's important.

Obama is a liar.

Obama had the audacity to lie about his own mother's alleged struggles with her health insurance company as she was dying!

Video, from Breitbart:

Obama is shameless.

Twisting the facts about his own mother and the last month of her life is sick. It's creepy.

Obama's dishonesty is very disturbing.

Apparently, the guy is willing to say anything.

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