Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Paul Ryan 2012

Is he or isn't he?

From the Weekly Standard:

Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan is strongly considering a run for president. Ryan, who has been quietly meeting with political strategists to discuss a bid over the past three months, is on vacation in Colorado discussing a prospective run with his family. Ryan’s concerns about the effects of a presidential campaign – and perhaps a presidency – on his family have been his primary focus as he thinks through his political future.

“He’s coming around,” says a Republican source close to Ryan, who has been urging the 41-year-old to run.

“With Paul, it’s more about obligation than opportunity,” says another Wisconsin Republican. “He is determined to have the 2012 election be about the big things. If that means he has to run, he’s open to it.”

Ryan hinted at his thinking during a candid interview Friday with Charlie Sykes, an influential talk radio host in Milwaukee, telling Sykes that he was unsatisfied with the current crop of Republican candidates.

Sykes asked Ryan about state of the Republican presidential campaign. “Looking at the Republican field right now, are you confident that the candidates there are able to articulate the issues of the debt and the deficit and the need to reform entitlements in the way that you want to see done?”

Ryan laughed. “Why did you ask me that?”

“You know exactly why I asked you that question.”

“I know. We’ll see. I didn’t see it last night. I haven’t seen it to date. We’ll see. People’s campaigns evolve – they get better. So we’ll see.”

...In his interview Friday with Charlie Sykes, Ryan argued that the supercommittee is not the place to debate debt and deficits – the 2012 campaign is. “The reason I don’t think it’s going to get us another grand bargain – or should – is we should not have a system where 12 politicians cut some agreement in a back room that restructures the whole design of the federal government in three months time. This is a decision that should be brought to the American people.” He added: “I think we need to have a discussion and a debate about how we’re going to deal with this debt crisis because that will determine the kind of country we are going to be and the kind of country we are going to be for a long, long time.”

That’s the kind of debate that would take place during a presidential race, of course. Ryan does not see anyone in the current Republican field who is making such a debate the center of his or her presidential campaign. Perhaps not surprisingly, Ryan disagrees with the conventional wisdom that the entitlement reform proposals in his budget plan are poison to Republican candidates across the country. He points to the results of the recalls in Wisconsin last week, where the battles centered on Ryan’s plans for retooling Medicare as much as Scott Walker’s successful and increasingly less controversial budget reforms, as “vindication” for the solutions that House Republicans have put before the American people.

Ryan spokesman Conor Sweeney says his boss has nothing to declare. “While grateful for the continued support and encouragement, Chairman Ryan has not changed his mind.”

That seems to be true. No one close to Ryan will say that he has made a decision to run. He is using this family vacation—almost two weeks away from Washington—to give serious thought to diving off of that cliff.

If Ryan isn't satisfied with the current Republican field, it's time for him to do something about it.

Obama must be defeated in 2012. We can't afford four more years of Obama.


DW said...

I dream of how awesome it would be to see Ryan debate Obama as a Presidential candidate. I would love to see a Palin/Ryan or a Ryan/West ticket. I heard some inside info last week from a Senator that Ryan is very reluctant because his children are so young and he doesn't want to take away from his time with them, but that he also is compelled by duty to attempt to save our nation. We need to pray for him and for his family. He is a genuinely fine person.

Mary said...

I think Ryan should be clear about where he stands. He should personally squash any of these stories that are untrue or admit that he's considering a run.

Sometimes, floating these trial balloons kind of come off as ego trips, Donald Trump-ish.

At this point, Ryan is saying he's not running.

Of course, there's a lot of wiggle room there.

Hillary said a million times she had no plans to run for president.

Although I think Ryan's the best candidate to defend his plan and I would love to see him run, I'm assuming it's not going to happen.

In terms of the country's future, I'm hoping he changes his mind.

He can beat Obama.