Tapes of the 911 calls placed last Thursday during the mob attack at the Wisconsin State Fair have been released.
They reveal just how savagely and brutally the thugs terrorized and beat their victims.
From FOX 6 News:
911 CALLER: They're pounding on all the cars. They just opened my car door and pounded my friend in the face.
911 CALLER: What the hell! My mom just got attacked by a flash mob and her eye is like bleeding.
911 CALLER: I'm f---ing bleeding all over.
911 CALLER: A whole bunch of black dudes, f---ing jumped me. I'm bleeding all over.
911 CALLER: There's a black on white fight in the middle of the street.
911 CALLER: We saw black guys get out of the car with a gun and they're going around jumping people. We need some cops out here.
911 CALLER: You guys need to get the God d---- riot squad over there and haul motherf---ers to jail.
This is the first time I'd heard anyone mention the presence of a gun during the attack.
Here are some more calls, from TMJ 4:
911 CALLER: Right now, I'm at 76th and National. I had to run here because they were chasing me.
DISPATCHER: OK, stay on the line, sir, for the West Allis Police Department. Hold on.
911 CALLER: My mom just got, like, attacked by a flash mob and her eye is like bleeding.
DISPATCHER: Where are you?
911 CALLER: We just got out of State Fair.
DISPATCHER: OK, but where around State Fair are you? What street?
911 CALLER: Um, what street are we on?
911 CALLER: We're on 84th.
PASSENGER: Pull over! Just pull over!
911 CALLER: I'm afraid to!
911 CALLER: There's like 90 people all out here. they pushed somebody off their motorcycle.
Good grief.
Did the thugs enjoy terrorizing their victims?
Really sick.
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