Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Here's the e-mail announcing Obama's AttackWatch:

Friend --

If you're someone who cares about seeing a campaign focused on substance between now and November 2012, I need you to become a part of one of our most important teams.

It's called, and it launches today.

Here's the deal: We all remember the birth certificate smear, the GOP's barrage of lies about the Affordable Care Act, and the string of other phony attacks on President Obama that we've seen over the past few years.

There are a lot of folks on the other side who are chomping at the bit to distort the President's record. It's not a question of if the next big lie will come, just when -- and what we're prepared to do about it. is exactly what it sounds like: a resource that allows us to nip these attacks in the bud before they show up on the airwaves and in emails -- and then fight back with the truth.

By signing up, you'll be on the front lines -- you'll hear about false claims as soon as they come up, and we'll count on you to spread the truth to your friends and personal networks and let us know about new smears whenever you hear them.

Will you sign up now to be a part of

Yes, I want to be on the team that fights back.

Not right now, but I'll donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.

I remember the smears from 2008 well, and I'm sure you do, too.

They didn't just attack Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They went after everything this movement is built on, and everyone who supports it.

This time, they're not just out to personally attack the President -- they're also out to mislead Americans about the record of accomplishments that he's compiled. Just the other day, a Republican financier actually quoted Saddam Hussein in telling a group of millionaire donors that defeating President Obama will be "the mother of all wars."

We're launching today to make sure we're ready for the attacks we know are coming -- and armed with the ability to fight back quickly.

Sign up for now, and let's get the facts out:



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

This is nothing new for Team Obama. I'm not surprised Obama's campaign would launch this site.

How creepy!

Report those in opposition with Obama. Snitch on someone stating opposing views.

Recall that the WHITE HOUSE, our HOUSE, using taxpayer dollars, has employed the Internet to monitor what's being said by Americans to counter what it considers "misinformation" and squash the opposition.

Remember in 2009 when the Obama administration implemented the snitch program

This sort of activity is a pattern with community organizer Obama.

Apparently, the Leftists in power didn't learn from its experience with that people are creeped out by these Gestapo-like monitoring tactics.


Watch America make Obama a one-term president.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Best comment on the site so far: A report that “6 ATMs were spotted in a back alley. It looked like they were killing a job.”