Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obama's Jobs Speech (Short Version)

The MacIver Institute offers a shortened version of Obama's jobs speech tomorrow evening.

On Thursday, President Obama will deliver a major economic address before a Joint Session of Congress. The MacIver Institute expects it will be more of the same rhetoric and promotion of government solutions we've been hearing for the last 3 years.

The timing of the speech also conflicts with the pomp and circumstance surrounding the kickoff of the 2011 NFL season. As a public service, we've combed through the hundreds of speeches President Obama has already made to give you a concise two-minute preview of his latest 'big speech.'

You can watch this and not miss one second of Thursday's football festivities as the 13-time World Champion Green Bay Packers begin their defense of their latest title.

Watch it now and devote your undivided attention to Packers pregame on Thursday.

Yeah. Same old, same old.

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