Friday, October 21, 2011

Amy Hollyfield and Occupy Oakland

Every day it seems there's another horror story from one of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Without question, the "occupations" are attracting some sorry excuses for human beings.

Andrew Breitbart, Big Hollywood, writes:

Source: ABC Reporter’s Life Allegedly Threatened at Occupy Oakland; ‘We Shoot White Bitches Like You Around Here’

Early yesterday morning, we received a tip from a reader in the San Francisco East Bay area who informed us that a local reporter’s life had been threatened by an activist at the Occupy Oakland demonstration.

Our source, who is fearful of reprisal and has requested anonymity, says that KGO-TV’s Amy Hollyfield was accosted by a man who threatened her and used a racial slur:
“We shoot white bitches like you around here.”

According to our source, the Oakland Police Department was apparently called to the scene. Inquiries to the police, and to Hollyfield, which began at roughly 8 a.m. Pacific time yesterday, are still unanswered today.

Other local morning news reports from three of the major Bay Area stations suggested that the Occupy Oakland tent city had descended into rat-infested squalor with complaints of vandalism, public urination, sexual harassment, and sex in public.

...Yet even as these local stations reported how Occupy Oakland has collapsed into chaos, they failed to report that police were allegedly called to protect a reporter whose life was threatened in a racist and misogynistic way.

KGO is not playing up the alleged incident on its website, and its reporting on the Occupy Oakland chaos is leaving out these explosive details–that, if verified, would make Occupy Oakland the major national story it ought to be.

Here is Ms. Hollyfield’s report from this morning, in which she mentions threats to KGO’s cameras, but not the alleged threat to her life.

Hollyfield later confirmed, on Twitter, the threat to “break our camera,” but did not mention the alleged threat to her life.

If Hollyfield was, in fact, threatened, "we shoot white bitches like you around here," it should be reported.

Why protect these thugs? Why withhold these details?

[A]s Big Government notes this morning, the Oakland Tribune has described Occupy Oakland as the home of “[h]omeless people, ex-convicts, at least one registered sex offender, students, unemployed hotel workers, anarchists and reform-minded activists.” And those are the good people, supposedly.

The rest of the Occupy Oakland tent camp has degenerated into a Lord of the Flies re-enactment, infested with “bullies, the mentally ill, drunks, thugs and anarchists.” Violent crime–including assaults against women–is accompanied at Occupy Oakland by drug dealing, child endangerment, and frequent fights among tent camp residents and passersby.

That is the true face of the Occupy movement that President Barack Obama has embraced and Bay Area denizen Nancy Pelosi has “blessed”–a society, in the words of one police officer, “far more oppressive than our own.”

How can Obama and his comrades embrace these people?


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