Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bill Clinton: Government is NOT the Problem, Successful Countries

In his first inaugural address, January 20, 1981, speaking on the nation's economic ills he inherited from Jimmy Carter, President Ronald Reagan said:

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Bill Clinton completely disagrees with the notion that government can exacerbate economic problems.

Here's video of Clinton speaking on October 28, 2011, at the home of Terry McAuliffe in McLean, Virginia. The occasion was a fundraiser for the Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus.


BILL CLINTON: Here's what I want to tell ya: I was a governor for 12 years. then I was the president.... I got a pretty good idea how the 21st century works. And, there's not a single successful country on the planet that operates on the theory that the government is the problem. Not one. Every successful country has both a strong private economy and a smart, strong government that work together to try to create economic opportunity, educational opportunity, provide decent health care, and get into the future.

Spoken like a true Leftist.

Is Bill forgetting the economic strategy of the Reagan administration and the ensuing prosperity?

Was he paying attention?

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