Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dennis Kucinich, Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party

Neil Cavuto wants to know why Democrat Dennis Kucinich is embracing the Occupy Wall Street protesters but didn't celebrate the Tea Party rallies.


Here's the transcript, from NewsBusters:

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, these guys are just fed up. These guys are hoping to rev them up. Democratic lawmakers now throwing their support behind these Wall Street protesters. Among them, Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Congressman, good to see you. So you support these guys. What are they protesting, and why do you agree?

CONGRESSMAN DENNIS KUCINICH (D-OHIO): Well, these guys are many young Americans as well as those who are supporting them today who are concerned about an economic system that is excluding them and excluding a whole generation of Americans who are not going to have access to jobs, to decent housing, to retirement security, to a good education. The wealth of America is accelerating upwards and I think that this is healthy, that it is about freedom of speech, the right to assemble. I’m looking right now at the Statue of Freedom over the Capital. Let me tell you something, this is freedom. This is America. This is something we ought to celebrate.

CAVUTO: So why didn’t you celebrate when Tea Partiers were running around the country and protesting all the spending and protesting the budget and the debt getting out of control? I don’t remember you glomming on to that one.

KUCINICH: Well, you may, if you check the record, I wasn’t one of those who disrespected the Tea Party, because I saw that as a legitimate expression of concern.

CAVUTO: I understand, but you didn’t join that rally. This one you want to join.

KUCINICH: Let me, no, let me just tell you, you know, that’s the Tea Party. That’s about tea. This is about bread.

Neil Cavuto did a great job pointing out Kucinich's hypocrisy.

These Democrats and Leftist media people are really coming off as buffoons in their praise of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, anarchists.

They're lauding them, yet they mercilessly and wrongfully attacked Tea Party participants, calling them racist and violent.

Occupy Wall Street protesters have displayed their ugliness and anti-Semitism, but the Leftists ignore it.

It's apparent that Kucinich and those of his ilk only consider Leftist demonstrations to be legitimate. Whatever suits their agenda.

Tea Party gatherings were hate rallies. Occupy Wall Street protests are the best of democracy.

What a load!

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