Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Oakland: Military, Killers for the Empire

A speaker at an Occupy Oakland protest makes it clear that he's against America, capitalism, and the military.

He wants revolution, communism and socialism.

He disses members of the armed services, claiming that they had three choices: poverty, prison, or the military.

"We need a whole new generation of young people that are refusing to fight and die for this empire."

"We need a whole new generation of young people that are saying we are not their soldiers. You know?

"And instead of being, instead of being killers for the empire and dedicating their lives to emancipating humanity...and the point is this, the point is this: Our generation has been lied to. Our generation has been told that capitalism is the end of history, that this system is all there is. But the fact is actually we can do much better than capitalism. We can do much better than capitalism."

The speaker believes socialism and communism would be an improvement.


Do Obama, Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, Democrats, Big Labor, and their media mouthpieces also believe we can do much better than capitalism?

If the Occupy Wall Street protests are about radical ideas like rejecting the military and overthrowing capitalism and seizing private property and giving up our freedoms, what does that say about all the allegedly reasonable Leftists standing in solidarity with the protesters?

It says the Democrats and their allies want to take America in the wrong direction.

1 comment:

Harvey said...

The plan is coming together!

What a joke.