Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Russ Feingold, Herman Cain, and Occupy Wall Street

According to the blog on Russ Feingold's Progressives United website, Feingold was on the CBS Early Show expressing his excitement about the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Feingold is definitely excited. Class warfare gets Russ fired up.

Watch Feingold discuss his excitement about this weird, confused stuff.


RUSS FEINGOLD: This is a great way to make change. I don't just understand what the protesters are saying. I'm not just pleased about it. I'm excited about it. A few yards from here [in Madison], some of the biggest protests in the history of this country occurred when our governor ripped away the collective bargaining rights of public employees in Wisconsin. We did it here, and I think this is gonna happen all over the country because people have been kicked when they're down over and over again. You can only kick people so long before they react. So this is time now for accountability, and this is a good way to show people how strongly we feel that the working people of this country have been treated very brutally and it has to change.

Good grief.

Feingold goes on to bash Herman Cain, accusing him of attacking the people's right to protest.

That, of course, is ridiculous. Cain didn't say people shouldn't have the right to protest. He said these Occupy Wall Street protests are misguided. Feingold is completely distorting Cain's stance.

RUSS FEINGOLD: There's nothing more un-American than a person like Mr. Cain trying to intimidate people from exercising their right to protest.

Cain correctly said that Occupy Wall Street is against capitalism.

The protesters are self-described anarchists. They spew anti-Semitic rants.

What is Feingold doing? He's excited about this ugliness?

Feingold is making a total fool of himself.

I am so thankful that Feingold no longer represents me in the U.S. Senate.

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