Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jesse Ventura: Going to Mexico (Video)

Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, wants to run for president.

That's odd, given that he rants that he'll never stand for the national anthem again and he wants to be a citizen of Mexico.

He's tick off because things didn't go his way in court.

From the Associated Press:

Former Minn. Gov. Jesse Ventura is so upset by a judge's ruling on his airport security lawsuit that he says he'll apply for dual citizenship so he can spend more time in his beloved Mexico.

Ventura sued the federal government in January, alleging that airport scans and pat-downs amounted to unreasonable search and seizure. A district judge in St. Paul threw out his lawsuit Thursday, ruling it should have been filed in a Circuit Court of Appeals.

On Friday outside the federal courthouse in St. Paul, with a crew from his "Conspiracy Theory" cable TV show filming, Ventura said he hadn't decided whether to continue pressing his lawsuit.

But the former Navy SEAL said he had lost his patriotism, and would "never stand for the national anthem again."

What a performance!

What a jerk!

Ventura should be ashamed of himself, trying to get attention by making such outrageous statements.

If he's sincere and really means what he said, then he should go to Mexico and never come back.

I can't believe the people of Minnesota elected this guy to be their governor.

Ventura is a disgrace.

He wants to run for president. Of Mexico?


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