Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Obama: 'English Embassy'

Obama the Brilliant calls the British Embassy in Iran the "English Embassy."

Lucky for him he's the sitting president and not a candidate for the office.

From The Foundry:

It is gratifying to see President Barack Obama condemn the disgraceful storming of the British Embassy in Tehran by thugs acting at the behest of the Iranian regime. After all, Obama has been notoriously slow in the past to criticise the brutal actions of the Iranian government after initially extending the hand of friendship to it. But did he really need to make another embarrassing foreign policy gaffe while doing so?

In a press conference this evening, the president referred in stumbling fashion to the “English Embassy” in Iran instead of the British Embassy. One can only imagine the kind of howls of derision that would greet any presidential contender if that kind of basic error were made before, say, the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


Yeah, the guy's a genius.

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