Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Obama: Hawaii in Asia

Obama the Brilliant displays his superior intelligence once again.

Obama, born in Hawaii, thinks of the 50th state as being in Asia.

His latest gaffe came while in Hawaii for the APEC Summit.

Here's video, via Gateway Pundit:

OBAMA: When I meet with world leaders, what's striking, whether it's in Europe or here in Asia, um, the kinds of fundamental reforms and changes, both on the revenue side and the, uh, er, uh, public pension side, that other countries are having to make are so much more significant than what we need to do in order to get our books in order.

It's extremely odd for Obama to be in his home country, the United States of America, and call it Asia.

Obama really is geographically challenged.

If President George W. Bush said that, the Leftists wouldn't ignore it. Obama, of course, gets a pass.

Double standard.

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