Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kristi and Scott Walker: Right for Wisconsin

Here's Scott Walker's latest ad, featuring high school teacher and mom, "Kristi."

TMJ4 did a story on the ad and the treatment Kristi is receiving as a result of her support for Walker.

The anti-Walker Leftists are brutally attacking Kristi online.

This is such ugly stuff, typical from the rabid anti-Walker brigade.

Don't these people have consciences?

If they do, they're seriously deficient.

Kristi is a brave woman for appearing in the ad.

She obviously has a spine, but that doesn't mean the horrible online comments aren't hurtful.

I hope she knows that for each jerk attacking her, there are many more of us here in Wisconsin admiring her for expressing her support for Scott Walker.

1 comment:

jimspice said...

Or, more accurately, for each person who disagrees with her, there is .94 of a person in Wisconsin that agrees with her. And that's OK, because that's all it will take.