Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ron Paul and Jay Leno (Video)

Jay Leno gave his guest, "Dr. Ron Paul," three segments on Friday's Tonight Show.

The audience was packed with Ron Paul supporters. Every time Paul finished an answer to Leno's softball questions, the audience would erupt with applause. It was not effective because it was so staged.

Ron Paul really is a joke.

Still, Leno treated him with respect, which was appropriate. After all, the guy is a Republican candidate for president.

However, Leno didn't challenge any of Paul's responses, no follow-up questions.

Here's video:

Ron Paul on Candidates

What a nutjob!

Paul's remarks about Michele Bachmann were disgraceful.

Leno ran through the list of Republican candidates and Paul gave his assessment.

JAY LENO: Michele Bachmann?

RON PAUL: She doesn't like Muslims. She hates Muslims. She wants to go get 'em.

What an idiotic thing to say!

More video:

Ron Paul Gay Marriage

Ron Paul on Trump

Ron Paul Legalizing Marijuana

Comedian Mario Joyner was bumped because Leno spent so much time with Paul.

There was time for one guest following Paul, Joe Rogan of NBC's Fear Factor. Rogan came out wearing a Ron Paul shirt, saying he was a huge fan.

What a coinkydink!

JAY LENO: What part of his platform do you like?

JOE ROGAN: Every single thing that comes out of his mouth, I go, 'Yeah, yeah! Finally!' When he talks about the gold standard, when he talks about civil liberties, when he talks...everything he says.


Here's video of the complete interview:
Ron Paul, Part 1

Ron Paul, Part 2

Ron Paul, Part 3


Brian Horn said...

Turns out, Dr. Paul was correct when it came to Bachmann. In 2005 Bachmann stated about Muslims, “Not all cultures are equal” and “Those who are coming into France, which had a beautiful culture, the French culture is actually diminished. It’s going away. And just with the population in France, they are losing Western Europeans, and it’s being taken over by a Muslim ethic. Not that Muslims are bad, but they are not assimilating.”.

Once again Dr. Paul is ahead of the curve and the self elected media "hit mafia" is woefully left in the dust.

Mary said...

Nothing about that comment says "she hates Muslims."

She specifically says they aren't bad. You're taking her words out of context. The issue is immigration and assimilation.

Brandon said...

The fact of the matter is, him saying this about her changes nothing about the fact that he will be a great president. She's clearly anti-muslim, whether she directly says so or not, hate may have been the wrong word, but the accusation has merit, considering her continued insistence on spewing warmongering propaganda based on interpreting flaws. These nations that we are pillaging for oil and murdering their citizens on a daily basis are overwhelmingly muslim.

Rational Person said...

Does assimilation mean stop being Muslim? She's defining them based on religion, so how does one go about assimilating from their faith? How is this not an attack on religious liberties? I don't think that's very American of her.

Mary said...

Look, I'm not a Bachmann supporter. But good grief, assimilation doesn't mean giving up one's religion. It's simply disingenuous to twist her words to arrive at that conclusion.

Paul's comment, "she hates Muslims," was ridiculous and completely unfair. It made him out to look like a complete nut.

I thought it was interesting that Leno didn't ask Paul about his newsletters, speaking of hate.