Friday, January 27, 2012

Al Levie

UPDATE, June 22, 2012: Allen Levie runs amok again.

Racine get-out-the-vote gone wild

Allen Levie, an executive board member of Voces de la Frontera, was listed on a police report for causing a civil disturbance outside an apartment building in Racine on election day. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because Allen Levie is the Horlick High School teacher that turned his back on Congressman Paul Ryan as Ryan tried to hand him a humanitarian award - at a family event no less. During the protests in Madison, State Troopers had to physically carry Levie out of a State Finance Committee Hearing for creating a deliberate disturbance.

As the report goes, police were called to an apartment complex at 1820 Roosevelt Ave because a Latino landowner, Gus Orozco, didn’t appreciate Levie trying to breach his building. According to the police report, Orozco saw Levie buzzing all eight doors from the building’s intercom system. Orozco told him that buzzing a single door would have been fine if he had intended to speak with someone specific, but he was not to roam the building door to door.

Levie lost his temper and began yelling about “the political right to have access to ever single person inside 1820 Roosevelt.” As the argument ensued, apartment resident Francis Edwards had words with a Serjio Anguiano, a canvaser - who according to open records - signed Waangaard’s recall petition. The police report described him as a “Democratic worker” who argued with Edwards over “the Democratic workers use of the doorbells.”


UPDATE: "Wisconsin Activist Teacher’s Paul Ryan Snub Explained," by Kyle Olson.

Once again, a Leftist Wisconsin teacher behaves disgracefully.

Al Levie joins the ranks of Wisconsin public employees to thoroughly embarrass himself.

Who is this latest embarrassment?

[Al] Levie is a social studies teacher at Horlick High School and is on the state executive board of Voces de la Frontera and the Racine chapter of the NAACP. He is an advisor to the student youth group Youth Empowered in the Struggle.

[Al Levie] works as a community organizer and teacher/program director for the Wisconsin Correctional Service.

Given Levie's radical Leftist resume, I suppose it should come as no surprise that he would behave so boorishly in public.

However, Levie acting in such a divisive, offensive manner at a Martin Luther King Jr. event is really taking his activism to an extreme that should make his fellow Leftists cringe. (The operative word is "should.")

From The Blaze, via Charlie Sykes:

A Wisconsin teacher refused to accept an award from Rep. Paul Ryan during a ceremony last week, saying he couldn’t do so “in good conscience” because of the Republican congressman’s politics.

Al Levie, a high school social studies teacher in Racine, Wis., was one of three recipients of a Martin Luther King Jr. humanitarian award during a celebration honoring the late civil rights leader. Ryan, who represents the district, was on hand to present congressional recognitions to each award winner, the Kenosha News reported:
After Ryan spoke, Levie criticized the congressman’s policies before being walked off the stage. Levie had earlier stated that he would like to see collective bargaining restored in Wisconsin, fair immigration reform and a fair tax system among other suggestions.

In a video of the ceremony, Ryan is seen stepping from behind the podium to hand the award to Levie, who backs away and instead turns to speak to the audience. His words aren’t audible, but according to the video’s captions he said, “I can’t in good conscience accept this award, as a humanitarian, Paul Ryan stands for everything I don’t believe in.”

“Oh come on,” one person is heard saying.

“For the kids!” someone else adds.

...“I would not accept the award from Paul Ryan because Paul Ryan is a lackey for the 1 percent,” he said. “Paul Ryan had no business at a Martin Luther King event, it’s totally hypocritical. On the one hand he votes to slash health care, while on the other hand, King dedicated his life and he died for it, for people to have adequate healthcare, to have adequate jobs.”

“King made it very clear that he was on the side of working people,” he continued. “Ryan on the other hand, he has absolutely no affinity for the working class and for him to come to an event where somebody of King’s stature was honored is wrong.”

Here's video:

Clearly, Levie doesn't deserve the award.

To publicly display such inexplicable hate for Paul Ryan shows that Levie is no humanitarian and should not have been selected as an honoree.

Obviously, Paul Ryan was invited to the event. He was a guest. Organizers wanted him to be there. When Ryan attempted to present a Congressional Certificate of Recognition to Levie, he snubbed Ryan in an awkward and selfish fashion.

The disrespectful Levie shamelessly put his politics before decency.

Dr. King didn't do that. That was not the approach he took. He appealed to the goodness in others by acting with integrity. Levie showed he lacks the sort of integrity Dr. King possessed.

Wisconsin taxpayer employee Levie embodies the antithesis to Dr. King.

Levie is a terrible role model. It was a mistake to honor a dishonorable man like him.


Anonymous said...

Typical far lefty - open minded and tolerant (as long as they are dealing with someone with the exact same beliefs) but otherwise classless and boorish.

weare1 said...

So what is your opinion when it is done by a "typical far righty"-(to use your word) to lefties at local, state and federal levels, including the President of one of the most powerful countries in the world? They do it to make a political statement. It is called free speech. And since "money" is "free speech" now (Thanks to Citizens United 2010) if you don't have a lot of that- Your voice is the only free speech you have. He spoke clearly why he couldn't accept the award by a man whose ideals are the polar opposite of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr's. Why would Paul Ryan want to give an award in which he doesn't support the ideals? It is good publicity/campaigning. Righties do it to lefties and lefties to it to righties and it is their right to do so. Freedom. Free Speech. But I guess we could be like Iran or China and jail people for it or execute them????

Ellen O'Donnell said...

a man with a conscience... and a teacher. speaking the truth is good.

Kent said...

Al Levie is a working class hero. A common fellow with the guts to take a stand against the stiff-nececked right wing hard-line plutocrats and their policies of fear, obstruction and backwardness.

I'm sure you won't post this comment and I really don't give a damn. Americans all across the Internet are cheering this man.

Pat Dixon said...

I fully support Mr. Levie for expressing his views of a total hypocrite in this way. Ryan pretends to be a devout Catholic, but he really is a Christian In Name ONLY. Ryan often attacks the Pope for reminding people that Jesus wants us to help the sick and the poor. Ryan preaches the "GREED IS GOOD" message of Ayn Rand and passes legislation supporting tax breaks for the rich, while cutting veterans' benefits. Ryan has made himself a multi-millionaire while in Congress. Bravo, Mr. Levie! And shame on the pitiful, ignorant supporters of Paul Ryan, who are attacking Mr. Levie.