Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bill Maher and Saul Alinsky

Bill Maher is not too smart. Or he's a liar. He could be both.

Maher claims to have no idea who Saul Alinsky is.


Here you go, Bill. Get educated. Alinsky wrote the handbook for radicals, literally.

Read Alinsky's own words in this interview from Playboy magazine, 1972.

I remember when Bill Maher was a clever, funny comedian.

Hard to believe such a Maher ever existed.


jimspice said...

I also had no idea who Alinski was until the T-party starting vocally embracing his tactics, and I was involved in my fair share of lefty involvement in the 80s/90s. Then again, U.S. lefies don't study Marx as a matter of habit either, but I'm sure you won't believe that one either.

Mary said...

I studied Marx and I'm not a Lefty.

bdoperocks said...

I came across this blog, and I just had to comment, If you knew a little more on Bill, you can clearly tell he is being a little sarcastic and of course ironic.
of course Bill knows who Saul Alinsky is, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have an opinion if he didn't know. He is speaking for the general public, most people do not know who Saul Alinsky is. So when they hear idiots like Newt Gingrich so confidently speak his name and call his tactics radical and compare them to our "black" President, it evokes fear.

Mary said...

I'm quite familiar Maher. I've watched him morph from a comedian to a... not a comedian.

So the "general public" isn't as smart as Maher?

That's rather condescending.

If people don't know who Saul Alinsky is, they haven't been paying attention.