Friday, January 6, 2012

Ed Flynn: 2nd Term (Video)

Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn was sworn in today for a second term.

Flynn is among a handful of leaders holding the city of Milwaukee together.

If he left his position, I would seriously fear for the future of the city. As it is, I fear for what's happening in Milwaukee.

I can't imagine what condition the city would be in without his leadership.

I thank Chief Flynn and congratulate him.

I also thank the members of the Milwaukee Police Department, serving residents and visitors to the city, day and night. I don't think they get nearly enough recognition for all they do.

Watch video of the swearing-in ceremony and listen to Flynn's remarks, from WISN-TV.


jimspice said...

Careful! He's a Democrat!

Mary said...

So what?

Makes no difference to me.

I've voted for Democrats. Lots of them, including president.

Have you voted for Republicans?